Plot & Setting
Welcome to Stelisius, a world ruled by a strict and totalitarian government. The world is made up of twelve castes, each represented by their own respective zodiac sign, a place in society for each individual. However, not all quite fit into the categories of twelve, selected by none of the twelve signs. Their days meet end in the cold and frosty Ophiuchus Compound, which functions as both the worlds only prison, as well as work camp for those deemed too inferior or too dangerous to be chosen by any of the twelve factions. Step a toe out of line and you are on a one way trip to the frigid compounds. However, there is a group not willing to stand for it, to raise their cause amongst the citizens, the Insurgency. Traitors to man as the government sees them, or saviors to a broken system? Oh, but the coals of war have merely just begin to ignite… A revealing of past events and sins of the government are enough to throw this unsteady world into conflict, and with the assassination of the Head of State has proven the INsurgency to be serious on their conquest for freedom, in a civil war that will defy all odds.
Staff Team
10/21 -
Welcome back to AAO! We are re-opening, on this October 21st! Enjoy our new skin and updated plot!
4K Francis Doublé 37 Sekanzu Avi, Mkv Noy
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